Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fitness Sales Counselor Job Qualifications

What's new in library Salvatore

On May 12, all libraries will be released in the new Italian, awaited book Coddetta Salvatore (real estate expert trainer) entitled "Secrets of real estate web marketing" .

The book, written together with Francesco Bersani , will be published by Franco Angeli , a publishing house specializing in management in c Ollan "Manuals" .

The book explained by the authors to obtain virtual contacts from the web and turn them into real contact in the agency, ie contracts.

• How to succeed in imposing their own real estate site on the web?
• How to create a campaign advertising effective?
• How serious and really interested to find customers that are not only
"wasting time"?
• How to transform the "Contacts" in the "contact real", ie transforming
in contracts?

With this book you will discover how some estate agents are being contacted daily by customers "serious."

find that there is an easy, cheap and fast for each day of virtual contacts potential buyers who surf the web and even easier to turn them into real contact, ie contracts. And you also able to "capture" from the first page of Google.

Conoscerete le tecniche e gli strumenti che vi aiuteranno a vendere più velocemente ai clienti migliori, imparando a portare solo clienti interessati sul suo. Troverete tutti gli strumenti per creare campagne pubblicitarie efficaci. Grazie a dimostrazioni pratiche, illustrate passo passo, potrete organizzare al meglio il vostro marketing. E ottenere il massimo.

Ecco alcune testimonianze di ha avuto modo di leggere il manoscritto:

"L’attenzione dedicata in questo libro alle nuove frontiere del settore immobiliare da Francesco Bersani e Salvatore Coddetta resta sempre di ottimo livello. Concetti espressi in maniera chiara, percorsi logici che non lasciano spazio ad interpretazioni fuorvianti, and objective data but also in the Real Estate Agents have great need for their business and they often fail to gather in an easy manner, taken from the daily battle for survival. Do not I'll keep this book on my bedside table, but will apply the small and great suggestions in my daily work, of course it is of benefit in a short time, as has already happened to me whenever I had the courage to question. Happy reading ... and see you on the field ".

Renato Troiani
President FIAIP Marche

" This valuable book collects and summarizes in an accurate and effective all that is essential to know, to make our website an extraordinary showcase. A careful examination of the valuable advice in the manual you will be sure to optimize and maximize the full potential that technology and the web makes available to us. This book is the right wind and the proper course for a truly effective web communication ".

Architect Simone Galib - Estate agent and advisor FIMAA - Pisa

" I have read and reread this book several times el 'I found it really nice and helpful. Each topic is treated with care and competence, all aspects of web marketing has been deepened. Each question is una precisa risposta. Dal libro ho potuto trarre alcuni spunti molto validi per lo svolgimento della mia attività. I segreti del web marketing non è una solo una guida al miglior utilizzo del web come strumento di marketing per gli operatori del settore, ma anche un prezioso aiuto per apprendere il nuovo “linguaggio” del web. Attraverso la lettura di questo libro potrete apprendere come raggiungere il maggior numero di persone, come qualificare i vostri contatti, come dialogare con gli interessati, come rappresentare al meglio al vostra attività" .

Gian Luigi Sarzano
Real estate manager - Creatore di reti immobiliari

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lupus And Pain Under The Right Arm

Discovered at the ancient baths Marsala

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Trapani reported to have made "exceptional discoveries" in the park Boeo Capo, Marsala. In the excavations directed by Rossella Giglio, manager of the operational unit of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Trapani, a thermal plant were found perfectly preserved, more than two meters high walls, a gateway to the ancient port city and an additional decumano stretch of road (paved) more.
" The most important result concerns the discovery of the monumental paving that covers the main east-west axis of the ancient city. It 'important to note - says Rossella Giglio - che le aree di scavo archeologico all'interno del parco di Capo Boeo hanno interessato punti nodali della topografia della città antica, relativi sia all'abitato e alle strade che delimitavano gli isolati sia alle fortificazioni costiere ".
" Le ricerche odierne sono state finalizzate alla verifica scientifica della grande area archeologica di Capo Boeo. Si evidenzia, inoltre, che l'estensione del decumano finora messo in luce è di circa 110 metri, mentre l'intera larghezza ricostruibile dell'arteria stradale, compresi i marciapiedi, è di 9,20 metri. I canoni del decoro architettonico della strada romana prevedevano, oltre al lastricato di calcare compatto bianco, anche delle canalette di scolo laterali realizzate bricks placed second with a herringbone pattern, a giant sewer crossing the decumano at the intersection, at right angles, with another main road .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Efficient Balsa Wood Bridge

Carnevale di Venezia: Il Ballo del Doge

Are you all ready? Tonight, March 5, 2011 the most anticipated social event of this Carnival 2011 will take place in Venice: Il Ballo del Doge .

arrived this year at its eighteenth edition, the Grand Ball organized by the 'workshop of Antonia Sautter promises always a highly anticipated event, engaging, mysterious, exceptional.

For the occasion the entire Palazzo Pisani Moretta welcome its guests, all dressed in strictly refined manners of an earlier era, colorful and stylish, they will spend the evening surrounded by joy and mystery plays and sounds, lights and colors .
This year's theme of the dance and the magic of life, " Because Life is Magic." Yesterday

us Atelier Styleandshop we spent the afternoon with some clients who participate in the dance tonight: we took them at the headquarters of the 'Atelier Antonia Sautter housed temporarily at' Bauer Hotel San Moise, Venice, and with them we chose the costumes and accessories to wear tonight ... an intense and emotional, between silk, damask, wigs, masks, crinolines, lace , uniform and beautiful high-heeled shoes that the gentlemen in dress Casanova should wear to enter in part! A

tonight then, and have fun at all!